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Voice and Public Speaking

Voice and
Public Speaking

Voice is arguably the most crucial part of our communication.  Most of us use it without thinking – unless we are suddenly required to use it in an unusual way or situation (such as delivering an important speech, projecting on stage or finding subtlety on the radio). An actor must train to open the voice and make it as expressive and nuanced as possible.  Voice is our most powerful instrument and one which must be consistently versatile and resilient.

“We are drawn by a voice which has a vibration, which resonates”.
– Cicely Berry.

Public speaking or acting on stage can push the voice and inhibit its effectiveness.  Incorporating the Alexander Technique into voice work can help you become more aware of how you use your body to support the voice, and avoid habitual tensions.  Starting on the ground and working upwards, we will find your emotional centre and eradicate unhelpful patterns which can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath, dry mouth and muscle tension.

After our work together, you can expect to:

  1. Find your voice.
  2. Hold the space, and improve your presence.
  3. Deliver speeches more effectively.
  4. Conquer nerves.
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